The 10th Nikkei/FT Infectious Diseases Conference
October 16-18 (Tokyo)

Representative Todoroki spoke at the NTDs section and keynote session of The 105h Nikkei/FT Infectious Diseases Conference. He introduced the activities of NTDs Youth Organization and discussed plans for World NTD Day, and actively engaged in discussions of developing infectious disease crisis specialist.

The conference proceedings are archived and available for viewing on the dedicated Nikkei/FT Infectious Diseases Conference website.

Asahi Global Conference 2023
October 12 (Online)

Representative Todoroki participated in the Asahi Newspaper's "Asahi Global Conference 2023." He spoke in the session titled "Frontline of Planetary Health: Climate Change and Infectious Diseases," moderated by Editor-in-Chief Takeshita from with Planet, taking part  in discussions from various perspectives.

You can view the archived recording of the session at the following link: 

Goalkeepers 2023
September 19-20 (New York)

Representative Todoroki attended the "Goalkeepers" event held in New York alongside the UN High-Level Meeting. He interacted with leaders dedicated to achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). During this event, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida received the Global Goalkeeper Award. For more details, please refer to the press release by the Gates Foundation.

NNN Conference 2023
September 19-21 (Dar es Salaam)

Committee member Kondo attended the NNN Conference 2023 held in Tanzania. This conference, organized annually by the Neglected Tropical Disease NGO Network (NNN), marked its 14th year.
Kondo participated in a panel discussion composed of youth members from Youth Combating NTDs.

Global NTDs Programme Partners' Meeting
June 12-13 (Geneva)

Deputy representatives Uesugi and Takaizumi attended the WHO partner meeting held in Switzerland. This meeting aimed to review progress towards the WHO's roadmap for achieving targets by 2030.
With over 300 participants, the meeting served as a significant opportunity to enhance collaboration towards the control of NTDs.

Meeting with Dr. Socé Fall
May 16 (Tokyo)

Deputy representative Takaizumi and committee member Nishikawa held a discussion with Dr. Socé Fall, WHO's NTDs director, regarding advocacy efforts for NTDs.
Dr. Fall shared experiences from his previous works. We committed to continue collaboration contributing to NTDs.